Diane Heuer, Accountant |back pain

Diane Heuer

I was in such excruciating back pain that I would have to grab the wall to walk! After just one visit with Dr. Richards I was amazed at how much better I felt. No one could have ever convinced me that I would feel relief that quickly.

I appreciate that he takes the time to talk to you, not at you.

I feel like I can partake in activities that I was certain I’d never enjoy again (i.e. snow skiing), yard work, and I’m looking forward to crawling on the floor with grandkids!

I have [recommended the office to others]– without hesitation and will continue to do so!

Diane Heuer
Hendersonville, NC

Shawna Tucker

Before seeing Dr. Richards I was having intense back pain between my shoulder blades, especially when I stood for long periods of time. After coming to see Dr. Richards, my back pain has ceased completely! What a blessing! I could recommend his care to anyone dealing with back pain.

I am able to work (I am a waitress) without being in pain.

Shawna Tucker
Stay at Home Mom 

John Davis

I have been having pain in my lower back for about three years. I have tried different medications to try to ease the pain; heat and cold packs, going to the [medical] doctor… Nothing seemed to work, so a co-worker of mine referred me to Dr. Richards.

Chiropractic has improved my life to where I don’t have as much pain (or none at all) in my back. It is so much easier to do my job and all other daily things with out having to stop and rest.

John R. Davis
U.S. Postal Service

TC Thompson

I was having intense pain shooting down my legs. I knew Dr. Dave before ever receiving care – I was trepidacious at first, but other members of my family had
received chiropractic care in the past and Dr. Dave assured me that if more intensive treatment were necessary he would let me know. However, I was
fortunate that Dr. Dave was able to set me straight and relieve my pain!

[Chiropractic has improved my life by] being able to do the little things in life that you take for granted; bending over to pick something up, etc., again is

TC Thompson
Marketing Director at Boyd Automotive

Tommy Thompson

I have had back problems since 1973. These problems have led to three back surgeries. The surgeries in each case helped but never completely relieved all the pain. Since I have been seeing Dr. Richards my pain level has decreased dramatically and I am now much more flexible.

Chiropractic truly helps keep me going. I am very active and enjoy the outdoors. Because of Chiropractic I can put in a good hard days work and be able to rest at night.

Thomas (Tommy) H. Thompson
Henderson County Commissioner, Former Clerk of Superior Court

Lane Meadows

Before working at the Postal Service, I was in the construction industry, and it seemed that there was some constant ache, pain, or sore muscles that I was always dealing with. I decided to give chiropractic a try. I was amazed at the difference of how I felt! If I could afford it I would see a chiropractor each day of the week.

I feel better over all since seeing Dr. Richards. When I have my back and body aligned a great percentage of the time, it refreshes my system and eliminates those nagging aches and pains that are caused by being misaligned.

Lane Meadows
Processor, U.S. Postal Service

Corey Cagle

After years of physical therapy, treatment with pain medication, and anti-inflammatory medication, I woke up one day and tried to stand. I fell to the floor and could not walk. I was taken to a chiropractor who began treatment right away. Since then I have been to many chiropractors and Dr. Richards has been the best. His treatment style was adjusted to my needs for the injury I have. He takes the time to listen an find out what pains I have and treats them, without a painful adjustment like other doctors have done in the past.

I can walk today without having had the back surgery that my family doctor recommended. I no longer need the pain medication and it is a wonderful feeling! I can live my life and enjoy a nice walk through the park.
Life is good!

I would absolutely recommend this office to others! I am very happy with the care I receive here!

Corey Cagle

Marisa Shook

For years I have had pain and arthritis in my toe and I began walking in a way my toe wouldn’t hurt. Then I had problems with my knee and my hip. I became less active but when I joined “Curves”, I found out about Dr. Richards. I had once gone to a chiropractor almost 30 years ago.

After 2 weeks with Dr. Richards my hip and knee were perfect! I use [Foot Levelers custom] orthotics in my shoes and have a pair of [Foot Levelers] Sandal-thotics that I use almost everyday in the summer. My legs and feet no longer hurt or sting at the end of each teaching day.

I am more active now and enjoy walking as exercise. I also appreciate that if I ever need to see Dr. Richards between my monthly appointments, he is aways willing to fit me in for an appointment. He has truly changed my life, and I’m always telling others about him! ¡Gracias, Dr. Richards!

Marisa Shook
Retired Spanish Teacher, Hendersonville High School

Colleen Johnston

Dr. Richards is my life saver! We met at a bone density screening. At the time I was hunched over and my spine was twisted. Although my spine has been challenging – Dr. Richards has given my 1½ inches of my height back to me! No Surgery! He is a very gifted chiropractor and I am grateful to have found him.

I have more mobility and can walk a bit farther. This has given me a better sense of freedom in my life. My sense of humor is back too!

Colleen Johnston

Carina Erkel

When I first went to see Dr. Richards it was because I wanted to get my little 3 month old boy adjusted. I absolutely had no idea what it meant to get adjusted but as we talked a little bit I also asked him about my own back and neck problems. I’ve been suffering from neck pains and the resulting headaches for years and also developed back pains since I have had my baby. Doctors always told me to “keep in a strait position” to solve my problems, but whenever I tried I was only able to keep in a straight position for a couple of minutes. Dr. Richards finally offered to adjust me too and without any expectations I consented.

After Dr. Richards adjusted me I was so surprised because I felt an improvement nearly immediately. Suddenly I found it much easier to get in a straight position. It nearly came naturally and without any effort. Now I realized that I’ve been kind of “blocked” all these years! It’s impressive how neck and back problems and headaches improved since that. To be without headaches and back pains is so important while picking up my baby so many times a day!

Thank you Dr. Richards! I definitely recommend everybody to get checked by him. You might suffer from something you didn’t even realize!

Carina Erkel
Dentist & Photographer