June Update

At this point, our county (Henderson) has had roughly 500 confirmed cases and 50 deaths. Most of this has been confined to Residential Treatment Facilities and the elderly. We are operating our regular hours, 5 days a week and take all of the expected precautions for patient safety. Most patient’s wear masks when they arrive, but we do not require this. Patient’s may also request to stay in their car until the doctor is ready, rather than the waiting room. We are happy to do this for you if you prefer it.

There are things you can do to improve your chances of staying healthy. Vitamin D deficiency appears to be an important factor in COVID-19 and can be supplemented. However the best source is some good time in the sun. Higher Vitamin D levels have been correlated with better outcomes for Coronavirus. I recommend supplementing 1000 to 2000 IU per day of Vitamin D3 as well as 1000 mg of Vitamin C during this time. Your body uses more C when the immune system is active and the minimum recommendation of 90 mg is probably too low when fighting illness. Adequate sleep and exercise are also important. So, be safe, but also stay active where possible.